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October 15, 2013 - The One with the parking debate

A little late. It's been a busy week Council meeting summary from this past Tuesday, October 15. 1. Presentation - Fire Fit Challenge 2014 2. Recommendations from Committee of the Whole 3. By-Laws 4. Award of Tender 5. Appointment of Auditors 6. Terms of Reference 7. No Parking Discussion *** 1. Joel Gallant from the Riverview Fire Combat Team made a presentation to Council to request support in hosting Fire Fit 2014, a competition that would bring in fire combat teams from various areas around the country. Total request $11,800. Decision tabled for discussion at a future meeting. 2. Recommendations from C.O.W - Details of each were discussed in the Committee of the Whole meeting previously. a) Renaming Coverdale Commons to HMCS Coverdale Commons - Requested from the veterans association (Coverdale Commons is the field at the bottom of Runneymeade rd, running along Hillsborough Rd) - Approved b) Authorization of Memorandum of Understanding for Mill Creek Dam repair with City of Moncton - The City of Moncton is looking to have a fish ladder installed and in order to do so, the Mill Creek dam needs to be repaired. We will need to have this done sooner rather than later anyway so we opted to move forward. We are at risk of facing fines if it doesn't get repaired soon regardless of the agreement so now is the ideal time as the project is also necessary for our Mill Creek Park project. Making progress!! - Approved c) Consulting Fees - Civic Center - We are thrilled to be working with Jim Scott of Trace Planning and Design. He and his team have done great work and we encourage you to come take part in the public consultations for the new wellness center - Approved d) Approval of Unforeseen grants - Excellence Awards, Ride for Diabetes, Trees for a Brighter Future, Bike Klub, United Way - Approved 3. By-Laws - Third Reading of By-Law R700-10-5. By law talks about parking and use of streets. Amendment made in Schedule A to Howard Ave to change to one side only parking ban versus the existing two sides (more details below). We also approved an amendment to the by-law relating to emergency planning and procedures. 4. Award of tender - We are in need of a new Traffic Control Signal and Controller Cabinet at the Gunningsville Bridge intersection. We have been having issues with the signal shorting and lights going into flashing mode and as such, it needed to be replaced. 5. Council appointed AC Stevenson & Partners, Chartered Accountants, as auditors for fiscal year ended December 31, 2013. 6. Council approved the terms of reference for the Emergency Measures Committee. 7. Parking bans - Many Councillors have heard and seen issues with the parking restrictions implemented throughout the town. While some Wards have not had any complaints, others have seen many. To me, logically the ban makes sense. It follows the national standards we are supposed to follow with road measurements, allowing emergency vehicles and snow plows through on the roads. Realistically though, I feel this isn't working for all streets, specifically on the roads with a parking ban on both sides. Removing the double parking ban on these few streets will mean not conforming with the national standards and I am ok with that. I would rather see the restriction on one side and still allow residents places to park on the streets for company, etc... No consensus was reached during discussion (nor was it an official agenda item) and it is likely that further discussion will take place. Director of Engineering and works asked Council to let residents know that if you have particular issues with your street, you can contact him at Please also ensure you contact your Councillor for your ward and Councillors at Large. It is tempting to want to only post your complaints on social media, which is an ok venue to share your thoughts with friends, but remember, we can't fix anything if you don't also contact us to let us know your concerns! We are here to represent you, and your thoughts and concerns so don't be a stranger If you have any further questions on any of these items, please send me a message and I'll do my best to get back to you promptly! Don't forget to attend the public consultations for the Civic/Wellness center! for more info!

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