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October 28, 2013 - The one with the chickens!

Good evening residents!! Here is the update from the Committee of the Whole meeting on Monday, October 28, 2013. This one is longer as some items required some explanation!

1.Urban Pilot Chicken Program (this is a long one)

2.RCMP Budget Presentation

3.Department Reports

4.Fire Fit Challenge 2014

5.Montgomery/Coverdale Rd Property Rezoning

6.Sculpture Saint John

1.Urban Pilot Chicken Program – The Planning Advisory Committee is moving forward with a pilot project to allow residents to raise a maximum of 4 chickens on their property. Applications will be open soon likely for the program and will be made to the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC). There will be a limited number of applicants selected. It is important to note that a vote was taken on whether or not to give direction to staff to stop working on the file. The vote was defeated 4 to 3. The reality though, is that the vote was inconsequential. Background: Our current zoning by-law does not allow for residents to raise chickens within town limits so in order for this to happen, a variance from the by-law must be approved. The PAC is the body that approves these written in provincial legislation. In essence, the PAC can run this project where Council votes in favour or not. They have the authority to temporarily approve a variance on a by-law. In one year, the findings of the project will be presented to Council and ONLY AT THAT TIME does Council vote on whether or not to permanently change the by-law. We understand that some residents may not agree with this project moving forward. Should someone within 60 meters of your property apply to be a part of the project, you will be notified. At that time, you can voice your concerns to the PAC who will take them into consideration when selecting participants in the pilot. If you are in support of it, you can be super nice to those neighbours and hopefully get some free eggs :). There are parameters in place to protect against things like odor, number of chickens, noise etc... Should things become a nuisance, our by-law enforcer will be monitoring things and he can be contacted at Town Hall. Over the next year, we will see how the results unfold. A similar pilot project was run in Moncton and was very successful and many communities in North America and adopting similar projects and by-laws!

2.Superintendent Marlene Snowman made a presentation on behalf of the Codiac Regional Policing Authority on the 2014 budget. Though there is a large increase in the RCMP’s overall budget for next year, the percentage has dropped in Riverview’s contribution based on things like total number of calls etc... This means Riverview will see an increase of about $13,000 and change for 2014. The RCMP have drastically improved preventative services, dealing with root causes of many issues that lead to crime. We have been very impressed with the work being done. We have even noted more of a visibility by officers in Riverview.

3.Departmental Reports – Council heard reports from our CAO, Finance, Economic Development, Engineering and Works, Parks and Recreation, Fire and HR. Many items were identified but some keys things were that we are approaching budget season and Council will need to start identifying its priorities. SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS WITH YOUR COUNCILLOR!! It was also noted that the SOFTWARE HAS BEEN PURCHASED for online registration in the parks and recreation department. The goal has been set for fall of 2014 to have it up and running!

4.A motion was approved to recommend to the Regular Council Meeting that the Town approve the funding of $11,800 to the Riverview Fire Combat team. They are making a bid to host Fire Fit 2014. Fire Combat teams from all over the country come to participate in the challenge. You may have seen something similar on TV before with the Fire Fit Challenge. Motion was approved to recommend 6 to 1. We are thrilled to support our Riverview Fire Combat team and wish them luck in the challenge and pleased Riverview can host the competition! The economic boost will be welcomed!

5.Montgomery/Coverdale Rd property re-zoning – If you recall a few months ago, we defeated a motion to re-zone the Irving/Circle K property for the expansion of a restaurant with a drive through. Cobalt properties met with the town to make some changes to the plan and thus the by-law was intended to be brought back onto the table. Prior to Monday’s meeting, staff reviewed the motion and noted that because of the new zoning by-law that was approve, the original motion put forth by Cobalt is null and void because the language regarding zoning is now outdated, thus the process including public consultation must be restarted. The item was removed from the agenda and more updates will be provided as them come in.

6.Sculpture Saint John – Council made a motion to recommend to RCM that the Town invest $15,000 (over 3 years) to bid for a sculpture from SSJ program. The project is an effort to support Arts and Culture and is an excellent opportunity to engage residents in planning and decided what could be built. Sculptors from around the world are brought on to be apart of the program. One would be assigned to Riverview should we be accepted into the program and would meet with residents to get a feel for what our town if all about etc. More information to come as it rolls in.

ON NOVEMBER 6, the final public consultation on the Riverview Wellness Center will be taking place at Riverview Town Hall at 6:30!! Don’t miss this opportunity to see what has come out of the ward session and be a part of the review process!!

As always, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to message me. This update will also be posted on my website.





...aaannnd one more thing! We also had a presentation from Director of Engineering and Works on a Pavement Management program to start addressing the approximately $75M backlog in infrastructure repairs, means road work and underground works that need to be done. Our streets need fixing and we need to do it in a way that will ensure they last as long as possible!! A plan is being developing to start addressing this. I know I personally want to see street repair immediately so rest assured your Council and Town Staff are moving forward!!

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